Goal and Background:
The objective of the lab was for the students to complete
the following 6 skills:
1. Download 2010 Census data (total population) from the US Census Bureau.
2. Download a shapefile of the 2010 Census boundaries from the US Census Bureau.
3. Join the downloaded data to the Census shapefile.
4. Map the data.
5. Download and map a variable of your choice.
6. Build a layout with both maps.
First students had to Downloaded 2010 Census Data:
On the U.S. Census Bureau students downloaded the
Total Population data for all the counties in Wisconsin. Then we extracted the
files from the zipped file. Then we
opened the data in ArcMap.
Next we downloaded the shapefile for the WI census
data. Again we extracted the files from the zipped file.
The next objective was to join the data together, we did this by opening the tables we downloaded and extracted and joined them together with the joining tool. Then we added a field into the table and used the field calculator to import the long integers from another filed into the new field in order to categorize that long integer so it could be used as a qualitative symbol on the map. Thus creating a map of the total population per Wisconsin counties.
Students were then asked to create a new map with different
data from the U.S. Census Bureau website. I chose the Native American
population per Wisconsin county.
Next we built the layout with both the maps, added
a title, scale, legend, and north arrow.
Finally, students were asked to post a blog to blogger.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau 2010